Your life is worthy of a legacy that points to Jesus.
There are some days when you’re life seems anything but purposeful. No one told you mom life meant the same mundane tasks over and over and over again. Dishes. Laundry. Discipline. Puke. Poop. Work. Lack of sleep. Lost temper. Mom guilt. Rinse (if you have time) and repeat.
Where do you find your life’s purpose in the mundane and difficult days of motherhood? How can you connect with Jesus when the only thing you can see is the mountain of to dos that come with caring for your family?
Jesus is with you in your daily routine – even while cleaning pee off the bathroom wall. You can fulfill your God-designed purpose while doing the hundredth load of laundry and sneaking veggies into your family’s meal.
Leaving Your Mom Legacy is a 30-day devotional on reflecting and knowing Christ in motherhood. Kristina Gorr speaks truth into your mom life by diving into the imperfect legacies of eleven moms in the Bible, exploring how their stories point to the gospel and how yours does too. You’ll be inspired and equipped to reflect Christ in the tough and unglamorous mom moments. And no matter what is in your past, your present, or your future, you’re eyes will be opened to how your legacy will point to Jesus Christ for generations to come.
Order your copy of Leaving Your Mom Legacy today! Also available on Kindle.
Leaving Your Mom Legacy – Community
Leaving Your Mom Legacy is written to be digested slowly, over time. We all know that our mom lives provide many distractions, which means 30 days may stretch to 6 months. And that’s OK! Feel free to re-read the devotionals and corresponding scripture multiple times before moving on. The topics and spiritual disciplines discussed can’t and won’t be mastered overnight. They need lots of prayer and meditation on God’s Word to permeate your soul. I pray that as you go through the devotional, you’ll give yourself grace and turn to God during every moment of your mom life.
Even better than going through Leaving Your Mom Legacy on your own is grabbing a mom friend and going through it together! Community is essential for surviving mom life with sanity…and for keeping Jesus front-and-center. Meet over lunch and read one devotional a week together. Easy! Or consider leading a Messy Tired Love Mom Life Group, interweaving Leaving Your Mom Legacy with the suggested meeting topics.
Whatever you decide, Leaving Your Mom Legacy is meant to fit into your mom life exactly how it is right now. The devotionals meet you where you are and speak truth into your life as a momma.
Order your copy of Leaving Your Mom Legacy today! Also available on Kindle.
#LeavingYourMomLegacy is 30 days of devotionals that fits perfectly into your #momlife exactly how it is right now. They meet you where you are and speak truth into your life as a momma. Click To TweetWhat Moms Are Saying About Leaving Your Mom Legacy
“This devotional is very unique. Kristina uses the lives of eleven moms from the bible that have imperfections just like us. I feel like I’ve already known about these women but I never thought about them as moms or connected them to situations in my own life. It’s amazing to think that God used their imperfections to speak to us today. He is a God that loves us despite our failures.”
– Apryl, Money Wise Steward, Mom of twin 13-year-old girls and 10-year-old boy (Read her full review here.)
“In all honesty, I don’t usually gravitate toward books and devotionals with a parenting focus because my child is grown with children of her own. However, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this devotional offers encouragement and spiritual insights for everyone.
Whether you are the mom of minor children, adult children, estranged children, or if you have yet to become a mother, this devotional points you into the right direction to leaving a legacy that reflects Christ.
As a grandmother, this devotional inspires me to apply the teachings of the Bible so that I can leave a lasting impression on my grandsons in the hope that they, too, will know and love Jesus.”
– Karen, Karen L. Roberts Blog, Mom to adult children and grandmother to littles (Read her full review here.)
“Leaving Your Mom Legacy is a easy to read devotional that uses the example of several biblical mother figures to showcase the truth that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). There has never been a perfect mother, but God has continued to use imperfect women to raise up and develop future generations for His Kingdom.”
– Becca, My Joyful MOMent, Mom to three young boys (Read her full review here.)
“It was the second half of the book…that really made this book shine for me. Her points on how to build a Christ-centered legacy were SPOT ON, and they were just what I needed for my own legacy plan. They inspired me and motivated me, and they led me straight to God’s Word and heart for my mothering.”
– Lisa, The Merry Momma, Mom to two young boys (Read her full review here.)
“Each day [of the devotional] asks heart level questions that the reader can ponder, use to examine her own life or use as prayer points. My favorite thing about Leaving Your Mom Legacy is that Kristina constantly points her readers back to the gospel. This is not a self-help, touchy-feely, you-are-a-good-person devotional. It is a warm, relatable, and practical while also being theologically sound and always pointing to Christ.
– Lauren, Live Simply Love Well, Mom of a sweet baby on earth and two sweet babies in Heaven (Read her full review here.)
“This devotional isn’t a fancy-phrased, fluffy read, but rather an honest sharing of her heart’s desire as a mother to live a life that directs her children to Jesus. Kristina’s transparency and vulnerability frees us as fellow moms to believe that God can use our legacy, no matter where it started or what’s been thrown our way or what choices we’ve made, to shine His grace, truth, and power into our children’s lives.”
– Kishona, Life In Lape Haven, Mom of three little ninjas (Read her full review here.)
“The second half of the devotional focuses on how to be a mom that leaves a legacy of Christ for her kids. Each day is relatively simple, but at the same time so easy to forget because of human nature. We need to be moms that pray; we need to be moms that forgive, and we need to be moms that are a part of the body of Christ. As I went through day after day of this devotional I saw my great-grandma in each of the descriptions of a mom that reflects the Gospel and know it’s the kind of legacy I want to leave for my own family.”
– Katie, My Joy In Chaos, Mom of 5 (Read her full review here.)
“In this devotional, Kristina lays down some practical ways in which you can develop your mom legacy to leave behind for your children and the generations to come. She also shares practical examples in which you can relate to. It’s not an easy road and you are not perfect, but guess what, you don’t have to do it alone.”
– Tia, Tropical Tide, Nanny (Read her full review here.)
“I haven’t found a good devotional in a long time. However, this is one I definitely will be rereading again sometime in the near future!”
– Denise,, Mom of 6 (Read her full review here.)
“Leaving Your Mom Legacy is perfectly named. Each day had me considering what I’m doing now and what I can do to pass along my faith and values to my kids. It’s so easy to lose perspective and Kristina’s thoughts had me looking beyond the day-to-day so that I can parent my kids for their future.”
– Laura Emerson, Mom to two sweet and spunky kiddos (Read her full review here.)
“First, Kristina steps on her own toes, then she turns around and asks “what about you?” which is awesome because it feels like we are learning and growing together instead of being ‘taught’ by someone who has it all together! (as far as I know, no one really does!)”
– Aryn, Mom to boys (Read the full review here.)
“This devotional is one I will be revisiting. There is so much “meat” to it, that I’m sure I didn’t pick it all up the first time through. All the factors that go into creating the legacy we want to leave will not be mastered during a one time read! This is a book that should be read, and studied, time and time again.”
- Jennifer, Mom to three beautiful King babies (Read the full review here.)