Christian devotionals & resources connecting everyday mom moments with the truth of the gospel.

Author: Kristina

How to Prayerfully Prioritize Life

How to Prayerfully Prioritize Life

Momma life is full. Full of good and wonderful things, like snuggles, “I love yous,” and moments of pride when our children make good choices on their own.  It’s full of difficult things, like cleaning up after messy people all day long, managing temper tantrums, […]

Raising Biblically Resilient Children

Raising Biblically Resilient Children

What do I hope my children are like in 10 years? 20 years? It’s hard to imagine their tiny little bodies being full grown, my son having a deep voice and my daughter grown out of her princess phase. I hope that with all their […]

Strengthen Your Bible Reading Habit with the He Reads Truth Bible

Strengthen Your Bible Reading Habit with the He Reads Truth Bible

Building a Bible reading habit can be tough for busy parents. Thanks to the help of my She Reads Truth bible, I’ve built a decent habit of reading my Bible in the day-to-day routine of motherhood. You can read how, here. Since this specific Bible […]

Christian Working Moms: Balance Work, Faith, & Motherhood

Christian Working Moms: Balance Work, Faith, & Motherhood

Christian working moms: it’s time to stop feeling guilty, exhausted, and out of balance. And to be clear, “Christian working mom” includes: stay-at-home moms, work-from-home moms, work-outside-the-home moms, and everything in-between. We’re all doing work, just in different forms ((housework, office work, side hustles…) and […]

Family Gospel: Christian Family Podcast series on Faith Inside The Home

Family Gospel: Christian Family Podcast series on Faith Inside The Home

My local church completed a Sunday morning message series on Christian families and the practical ways for them to center the household around the gospel. You can now listen to it as a Christian Family Podcast! With so many parenting resources and voices out there, […]

How Great Is Our God: Birthday Parties, 5-Year-Olds, And Science

How Great Is Our God: Birthday Parties, 5-Year-Olds, And Science

At five years old, my son has developed a love for party planning.  Just like his momma, he loves having people in our home. He is regularly asking when so-and-so can come over for dinner, or when his friends can come over to play. When […]

What I Told My 5-Year-Old About Kanye West

What I Told My 5-Year-Old About Kanye West

“Mommy, who sings this song?” “Kanye West.” “Who’s that?” I never thought I would listen to an entire Kanye West album. He and I don’t share the same musical style. And with songs like “I am a God” riddled with cursing every other word, his […]

My Identity Crisis – God Revealing My True Everything

My Identity Crisis – God Revealing My True Everything

A few weeks ago, I got an email from a client asking a question that was better answered over the phone. It was 4pm on a Friday and people would be arriving any minute for a dinner party that my husband and I were hosting […]

Courage For Life

Courage For Life

There is something special about finding new ways to dig into God’s Word. His words to us are more than just text on a page, it’s a living, breathing document. We can read a chapter when we first become saved that means something completely different […]

Time Management Bible Reading Plan For Moms

Time Management Bible Reading Plan For Moms

As women who follow Jesus, we are called to spend our time in a way that is often opposite of the world. We are not to be self-serving or materialistic. When talking about time management, we have to be careful to not put ourselves and […]
